Saturday, 1 February 2014

Updating from 15 to 16 using apt

Hi guys,

Well, after too long missing I am finally back as we are now moved and to a degree settled into our new house (Phew!)

As in a previous post, I mentioned that I would be upgrading from 15 to 16 Cinnamon and would post a tutorial when I did.

I saw a post on G+ a while ago saying about updating without having to do a full reinstall via USB or DVD etc and did a search and to be honest, it turned out there is a guide on the website.

It is for an older version of Mint, but in the comments there are posts from people who have updated from 15 to 16 and they tell you what to put in place etc, it really is that simple as the webpage says!

Here is the link to the page for anyone who hasn't updated yet and are wishing to try it:

It does take a while, and every now and then it asks for a Y/N response and I just kept typing Y (Even spotted a few places where it said certain files couldn't be found etc which worried me, but I carried on and it worked a treat! (Remember though, that this is done at your own risk and I would advise backing up your data first JUST in case!)


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